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Lower Southern Region

Welcome to 2025, I hope the year has started well and you are enjoying the varied weather we are having this summer.

What’s on?

I am really looking forward to connecting with you this year and have been busy in the Dunedin office planning support groups, hospital visits, and travel around the lower South Island.

Support groups for this region are up and running and if you are not already attending one locally and would like to do so, then please contact me.  There are regular groups in Dunedin, Invercargill, Central Otago and Oamaru.

I am aware that some of you will be dealing with significant challenges so please remember that I am available for one-to-one support, providing a listening ear and practical assistance.

Take care and please reach out as you need.

Contact us

6 Claude Road
Auckland 1023
View in Google maps
PO Box 99182
Auckland 1149