Supportive care plays an important role in the treatment of many people living with blood conditions. This involves making every effort to improve your quality of life, by relieving any symptoms you might have and by preventing and treating any complications that arise from your disease or treatment.
Blood transfusions, antibiotics, intravenous fluids and similar treatments, can all be important elements of medical supportive care. Infections are a common complication of blood conditions and their treatments which can occur for a number of reasons, and it is important to take precautions where possible.
Non-medical supportive care may involve complementary therapies, nutrition support, exercise, counselling and similar services. Inform your haematologist if any surgery or treatment is planned by another practitioner, as advice may be required from your haematologist as to the best supportive treatment, such as transfusions, blood tests or other monitoring, to ensure that your treatment happens successfully without problems due to your disease, current or previous treatment.
Thanks to advances in the treatment of blood cancers, more and more people are cured, while many others experience long periods of time where their disease is under control. Check out our video ‘This is a Big Deal’ below which outlines how to live with a blood cancer diagnosis.
Survivorship brings its own set of challenges and opportunities including financial considerations, decisions about returning to work, changing relationships at work and home, and establishing ongoing support networks.