Travel and conference grants
LBC offers grants for health professionals, including scientists, clinicians, doctors, nurses, laboratory staff, support workers, counsellors, and to research students to attend local and international meetings and keep up to date with the latest advancements in the field of haematology.
Travel and conference grants may be awarded to cover the cost of accommodation, flights and other travel, conference registrations, and other expenses required to attend such activities. Costs should be kept to a minimum and economy class airfares are anticipated.
LBC does not provide funding for attending post-graduate courses, post-graduate course fees, or course-related costs.
Please note if there is potential for this to be a DHB provided service, please indicate whether they have been approached for funding and provide evidence of response.
All applications are judged on merit by our independent Medical and Scientific Committee. The decision to award a grant is based on the quality of the application, the relevance of the activity to the applicant’s haematology practice, the likely benefit for New Zealand haematology patients, competing applications and the funds available.
Preference will be given to those who have not received funding in the last 12 months from LBC.
Funding will not be applied retrospectively, and will only be considered for conferences dated at least one month after the closing date of the grant.
Please note that applicants will be notified of the result of their application three weeks after the closing date.
Preference will be given to applicants who are presenting papers or posters at the event, to those attending activities in New Zealand or Australia and to those attending events that have session’s specific to the applicant’s area of practice. For those with access to Continuing Education funds as part of their employment conditions, consideration will be given to part-funding, to meet a shortfall.
Application closing date: 21 February 2025
To complete the application process you will require the following:
Quotes for any expenses associated with the activity, including accommodation, flights and other travel, conference registrations, and other expenses for which you are applying for funds.
A copy of the abstract for the paper or poster you are presenting at the conference, if you are presenting.
A letter of recommendation from your Clinical Director or Academic Supervisor.
Details of the conference or workshop you are planning to attend (in the form of a conference programme or something similar).
If there is potential for this to be a DHB provided service, please indicate whether they have been approached for funding and provide evidence of response.
In general, no more than one or two applicants from each centre will have grant applications approved to attend the same conference or workshop.
To begin the online process of applying for the National Research Grant, please follow the link below: