We are a member of CANGO, a group of nine cancer NGOs undertaking cross-sector working in New Zealand.
Right now CANGO is lobbying the government for faster access to cancer treatment. Most cancer patients have no time to wait and many are dying prematurely because they do not have access to the right medicines at the right time in their treatment cycle. Many of these medicines are freely available in other OECD countries.
Find out more here CANGO Position Statement – Rapid Access to Cancer Medicines
Lymphoma Coalition
LBC’s CEO is chair of the Lymphoma Coalition, a group of 65 organisations from countries across the world working together to raise awareness and widen treatment access for people living with lymphoma.
The Lymphoma Coalition’s purpose is to address existing gaps in awareness of lymphoma and its treatment among patients, their families and caregivers.
To learn more, visit:
New Zealand Bone Marrow Donor Registry (NZBMDR)
Bone marrow (or stem cell) transplantation is the only potentially curative treatment for many patients with a blood cancer or blood condition. The most suitable donor is a fully matched (tissue-typed) family member, but only 1 in 3 patients are lucky enough to find a family match so a search for an unrelated donor is often necessary.
The New Zealand Bone Marrow Donor Registry, which is administered and operated by the NZ Blood Service, lists over 11,700 people (75% are of Maori or Pacific Island descent) who are willing to donate their bone marrow (or stem cells) to patients world-wide. The NZBMDR is also part of a worldwide network of registries, which contains over 26.7 million unrelated donors.
To learn more, visit:
The Leukaemia Foundation (Australia)
The Leukaemia Foundation is the only Australian not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the care and cure of patients and families living with leukaemias, lymphomas, myeloma and related blood disorders.
They have offices in every state and territory across the country and their patient support extends across metropolitan, regional and rural communities, reaching more than 50% of newly diagnosed patients.
The Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand works closely with its Australian counterpart to further our shared aims – a vision to cure and a mission to care.
To learn more, visit:
The MDS Alliance
The MDS-Alliance is an international umbrella organisation that aims to ensure MDS patients, regardless of their age, have access to the best multi-professional care. This initiative aims to provide patients and their caregivers and the health care team with the training tools and the information about MDS, including current treatment options.
To learn more, visit:
Myeloma New Zealand
Myeloma New Zealand is an organisation focused specifically on multiple myeloma and to improve the lives of patients affected by it.
They provide support and information to help them and their families and loved ones to understand the myeloma ‘journey’ from diagnosis to treatment. Myeloma NZ want to help them through the milestones they may encounter along the way, and the likely options and choices they may have. But most importantly, they want to help beat this cancer by identifying and supporting strategies and research initiatives that will both improve the quality of life of those living with myeloma and extend their lives.
To learn more, visit: