Welcome to Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand’s Blood Cancer Patient Forum 2023.
We have an engaging line-up of distinguished speakers and leaders who will share their invaluable insights and experiences. The programme covers disease and research updates, plus a range of topics on living well with and beyond blood cancer.
*please note this programme may be subject to some changes and updates while we wait to confirm some final speakers.
17:00 | Registration desk open
17:30 – 19:00 | Welcome Reception & Opening with David Downs
8.00 – 8:30| Registration desk open
8.30 – 9:00 | Whakatau and official opening | LBC CEO, Peter Fergusson
9.00 – 9.45 | Keynote speech Haematology research in NZ | Professor Peter Browett
9.45 – 10.15 | Morning tea
CAR T-cell therapy in New Zealand | Dr Robert Weinkove
Nobody told me I had cancer. Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN) explained. | Dr Alwyn D’Souza
Acute Leukaemia and survivorship | Dr Kathryn Forwood
Myelodysplasia (MDS): when the bone marrow goes awry | Dr Annette Neylon
Adapting to adversity through a better night’s sleep | Lance Burdett
Myeloma: An overview of treatment and side effects | Tracy King
Indolent Lymphomas and CLL | Dr Amy Holmes
Aggressive lymphomas | Dr Catherine Neal
CML| Professor Peter Browett
Breathing for health Workshop- Stress less with the breath| Josh Komen
12.15 – 13.15 | Lunch
Preventing infections for people with blood cancers: Covid and beyond | Dr Robert Weinkove
Our online world: Choosing good data sources on the internet. Plus getting the most out of your online consultation| Dr Kathryn Forwood
Why participate in Clinical trials: It’s not about being a Guinea Pig | Dr Alwyn D’Souza
Carers’ stream. Managing adversity- applying courage, grit and resilience | Dr Nicki Weld
Aromatherapy for wellbeing Workshop| Carol Rose
Pharmac – processes and challenges | Logan Heyes
Nutrition & Blood Cancer | Hilary Dumbleton
Blood tests – from the lab to you | Dr Annette Neylon
Breathing for health Workshop- Stress less with the breath| Josh Komen
Aromatherapy for wellbeing workshop | Carol Rose
15.15 – 15.45 | Afternoon tea
15.45 – 16.30 | Living well with and beyond Blood Cancer | Tracy King
16.30 | Close
There are four options delegates can use for their accommodation.
Please see below for more details.
Rydges Latimer Hotel is where the LBC Patient Forum will be held. For bookings, please follow this link: https://www.rydges.com/private-page/leukaemia-blood-cancer-nz/
Executive room: $217.00 per room per night.
Delegates can use a promo code: Leukaemia and Blood
Reservations | Christchurch City Hotel
A: 699 Colombo Street, Christchurch| T: +643 930 7630| Email: reservations@christchurchcityhotel.co.nz
City Urban Double: $129.00 per room per night
City Urban King: $172.00 per room per night
City Urban Premium: $189.00 per room per night
Delegates can use a promo code: LBCNZ23
How to book:
It needs to be booked directly through their website ( https://www.breakfree.com.au/ ), select the dates you are after and then select the rate that is Flexible and press book now which will take you to the booking page where it has the space to put the code.
Studio Apartment: $210 NZD per room per night
Delegates can use a promo code: LEU
Reservations & Front Desk | Ramada
P: +64 3 929 0267 |A: 264 Tuam Street, Christchurch 8011 | info@ramadachristchurch.co.nz |www.ramadachristchurch.co.nz
We will also be recording some sessions, so you will have the opportunity to review them. Stay tuned!